Psychology of Criminals in the Corporate World [Divya Nimbalkar*]

Abstract White-collar crime, which refers to financially motivated, non-violent crimes committed by individuals in high-status positions, has become a pervasive and significant issue in modern society. White-collar criminals are individuals who engage in illegal activities to make money. They may work in a variety of industries, including finance, law, and consulting. Have you ever wondered... Continue Reading →

White-Collar Crime: Felony Under The Corporate Veil [Juned Akhtar & Milind Rajratnam]

“The fact is that white-collar criminals are, in general, incredibly good at deluding themselves that they’re good people, even when they clearly aren’t.” -Felix Salmon[1] 1.       Introduction White-Collar Crime is an offence which is generally committed by people belonging to higher or elite class of the society. The term “White-Collar crime” was first coined by... Continue Reading →

Breaking The Glass Ceiling of Corporate Crimes in India: The Intricacies of Corporate Leniency [Pranay & Akshat]

BREAKING THE GLASS CEILING OF CORPORATE CRIMES IN INDIA: THE INTRICACIES OF CORPORATE LENIENCY Pranay Bhattacharya & Akshat Mall* PREFACE Competition agencies around the world have implemented several corporate policies to confine parties involved in illicit activities such as price fixing of goods and services, cartel formation etc. One such policy is the “Leniency Programme” which... Continue Reading →

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